4,078 Nautical Miles
Photo: Manon Le Guen
Season 2 in France Complete!
This year I sailed 4,078 nautical miles (NM) in the Atlantic waters. Those miles covered the west coast of France, the English Channel, the Celtic Sea, and the Azores. Finishing the second season of this campaign brings my total miles sailed on Terminal Leave to 7,484 nm with almost five thousand allocated to racing. Each mile makes me that much more prepared for the 2023 Mini Transat.
Racing to raise awareness for U.S. Patriot Sailing
The Why: U.S. Patriot Sailing
Why race in the Mini Transat, over 4,000 nautical miles, across the ocean solo, and in a 21’ sail boat? I am racing in the 2023 Mini Transat as an ambassador for U.S. Patriot Sailing to raise awareness for this incredible non-profit team.
Updated race overview from this season with a few shorter race courses due to light winds
This season I focused on fine tuning the boat, race strategy preparations, and performance. Even though the rankings didn’t always show it at the end of the races, we were far more competitive this year. The races were marked by predominately light air which required the first three courses to be shortened in length from the original schedule.
The high points of this season consisted of officially qualifying for the upcoming Mini Transat (Sept 2023 start) and completing the Les Sables-Azores-Les Sables (SAS) Race. With back-to-back 1,300 nm long races and only 3.5 days in between, it was the ultimate preparation for racing across the Atlantic Ocean. I completed the SAS in a total of 24d, 5 hrs, and 50 mins.
Do you want to support this campaign and ensure I make the start of the Mini Transat? There are a few things you can do to help:
Donate through my GoFundMe page: https://gofund.me/dc565273
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Make sure to check out my previous blog posts this season to learn more about each race!
Photo: Manon Le Guen
Photo: Manon Le Guen
Sponsors & Supporters
Thank you to my sponsors and supporters, without them this campaign would not be possible!