Listen to the On the Wind Podcast
New episode where Andy Schell from 59° North and I discuss the Mini Transat

Visit Us at the Annapolis Sailboat Show!
See Terminal Leave and meet the U.S. Patriot Sailing team from 10-14 October 2024.

Race to Solomons
Light Winds and a Long Upwind Sail.
On Saturday, 21 Sept we started the AYC Fall Race to Solomons. This 36 nm long distance race starts near Annapolis off Thomas Point Lighthouse and finishes in Solomons, MD.

Terminal Leave is Back Racing on the Chesapeake Bay
We kicked things off with the Navy Fall Race to Cambridge. In addition to winning our class, we won overall in the ORC fleet!

Terminal Leave is back in Annapolis! After 15,000 nm of sailing in Europe, crossing the Atlantic Ocean, sailing through the Caribbean, and up the US east coast, Terminal Leave is finally back home!

Experience the Challenge of my Mini Transat Race
Lots to hear and see in podcasts, a video, and an article!

Peter has finished the Mini Transat Race!
Peter has crossed the finish line of the 24th edition of the Mini Transat!

Getting closer: less than 200nm to the finish!
Getting Closer: less than 200nm to the finish!

Less than 500nm to the Finish line in Guadeloupe
Less than 500nm until Peter finishes in Saint Francois, Guadeloupe!

Making Repairs in Mindelo!
Peter has made it to Mindelo, Sao Vincente and currently working on repairing his rudder.

Broken Rudder, Diverting to Cape Verde Islands
Peter is safe but has a Broken Rudder and is diverting to the Cape Verde Islands

And they’re off! Leg 2 of the Mini Transat is underway!
Leg 2 of the Mini Transat started in light winds, 2-4 knots.

“Your Prep Time has Ended”
Check out the new Mini Transat Mission podcast episode!
Most Marines can still hear the saying “Your prep time has ended…” echo across the rifle range, no matter how long ago they experienced the qualification process. Well, those words still felt just as real as we approached the start of the 2023 Mini Transat.