Broken Rudder, Diverting to Cape Verde Islands
Peter is safe but needs to make a stop for repairs
Make sure to check out all of the After Action Reviews and listen to Peter discuss this race on The Mini Transat Mission podcast! Click HERE to listen on Spotify.
Peter is sailing south to the Cape Verde Islands
First things first, and the most important thing, Peter is SAFE. He is having a technical issue with the boat, but he is safe.
Earlier today, Peter notified the Race Director that he had a technical issue and did not provide any further details. Some of you may have noticed that his boat speed on the tracker dropped down to 1.9 knots from his previous average of 9-11 knots. After some time, Peter reported back to the Race Director that he had broken a rudder and was diverting to the Cape Verde Islands about 220nm due south of his position to make repairs. Since that time, Peter has been sailing south downwind, to Cape Verde Islands. As a reminder, Peter is not able to communicate with me or anyone else about how the damage happened or what he needs to complete the repair. His only communication with the Race Director was through text message via the onboard GPS tracker, any further communication apart from safety related issues is forbidden. We will have to wait until he is in Cape Verde to learn more details.
In line with the Mini Transat race rules, Peter is permitted to make a stop over to complete a technical repair. The is shown below from the official Sailing Instructions for the MIni Transat.
22.1 Each boat can stop anywhere anytime. Once anchored or docked, other people can come on board. Provision and repairs are allowed. Towing to enter and exit the harbour is allowed with a 2 nm limit and must not advance the boat towards the finishing line, in accordance with RRS 42.3(i).
22.2 Technical stopover cannot be longer than 72 hours per leg, all stopovers combined. Minimum time for each stopover is 12 hours. Time is counted from the moment the boat is ashore until the moment it resumes the race.
Competitors who do not respect these durations will be scored as TLE without a hearing on the related leg.
Thankfully there is a marina on the island of São Vicente where Peter should be able to make the repairs. Once he makes landfall, the race now will be to make the needed repairs within the 72 hours and get back out racing. If he is not able to complete the repairs within 72 hours, he could be scored a TLE (Time Limit Expired) and be forced to end his Mini Transat Race.
I am working with any and all contacts to make sure Peter has what he needs to make repairs in São Vicente. For how big our world is, it sure is small when you put out a call for assistance for a fellow sailor in need! Until Peter makes landfall, we won’t have any further details. As I learn more details, I will share them with everyone.
Leg 2 Tracking Link
How can you help? Keep thinking positive thoughts for Peter! This has been our life’s project for the last three years and a dream of his and we are determined to have him finish this race! If you have any contacts in São Vicente or any of the Cape Verde Islands, please let me know, any and all helping hands on the island could get him back out on the water racing faster. Another way to help would be through a financial donation to his campaign. Obviously this was not planned and any repair like this on such a short timeline is going to cost a lot of money to get him back out on the water racing to Guadeloupe. You can make a tax deductible donation through US Patriot Sailing page using the link below or using the GoFundMe link below that:
U.S. Patriot Sailing for a tax-deductible donation
GoFundMe page
Thank you for following along, Peter and I appreciate all of the support over these last three years. Without your help, he would not be able to make this dream a reality. Thank you!
Thank you to everyone who is following along and supporting this mission! We are grateful for the community that has rallied behind this campaign and I am proud to represent the USA and U.S. Patriot Sailing in this international race. We have reached the 52% goal for fundraising for the campaign but your donations to support this campaign are still needed, with changes in flights, logistics costs, and additional unplanned expenses that have added up quickly. Any support is greatly appreciated! Please click the Donate button below to support!
While we have some awesome sponsors, we still need your support to finish this mission. Every donation helps, THANK YOU!
If you are able to help, please consider donating through U.S. Patriot Sailing for a tax-deductible donation or through our GoFundMe page.
Learn More Here:
I am racing in the Mini Transat as an ambassador for U.S. Patriot Sailing to raise awareness for this incredible non-profit team.
U.S. Patriot Sailing
Supports the veteran community navigate the hardships of transition to civilian life, rehabilitation after injury, and the complex life challenges associated with combat deployments. The organization accomplishes its mission by welcoming veterans back onto a winning team, provides camaraderie, a sense of mission accomplishment, and new dynamic experiences
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