Departing for France Next Week!

Final week in Annapolis before leaving for France

What a difference one year makes as I prepare for heading back to France this Spring.  This time last year not only was I transitioning off active duty from the Marine Corps, but also seeking permission to enter a highly restricted France due to COVID.

This is a new year and a new race season.  I learned a lot last year and was successful in establishing a solid foundation for my 2023 Mini Transat campaign. Going into this racing season, I am more optimistic while also having a better understanding of the many challenges that lie ahead.

One of the big differences this spring was my ability to focus on more opportunities for outreach.  This is important to me with my goal of raising awareness for U.S. Patriot Sailing throughout the campaign.

This outreach culminated in two presentations I provided over the past week.  On Thursday evening, I shared my mission with the Annapolis community at my main sponsor for this campaign, Fawcett Boat Supplies.  Then on Saturday afternoon, I spoke at the Independence Seaport Museum in Philadelphia.

Both engagements were excellent opportunities to share my personal experience about U.S. Patriot Sailing and why I am racing in the Mini Transat.  I enjoyed catching up with old friends and new supporters at each event. 

If your club, organization, or company is interested in a presentation in the fall/winter, then email me at  There is also the possibility for Zoom presentations from France with updates along the way.


I am also excited to announce that Terminal Leave, my Classe Mini 6.50 sailboat, is currently in a shop getting some professional updates.  Performance improvements include painting the hull, keel, and rudders so she will be faster on the race course this season.


A current picture of Terminal Leave today in France getting some work done!


Next week I fly to France to start another exciting season!  With almost 4,000 nautical miles of racing planned it will be a productive summer with the end state of qualifying for the Mini Transat.  Throughout this season my goal is to increase my experience in the class, learn more French, and continuously improve my competitiveness on the race course.

To make this campaign possible, I am asking for your support through donations on my GoFundMe page.  This helps cover the many administrative and logistical costs required to get me on the race course.  Click the button below for more information:

Thank you for your support. Please continue to help by telling your friends and family about my mission!


Season 2 Starts Now!


Two Presentations This Week!